Saturday, August 31, 2019

Physics Ia

Investigating Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion using an Air-track Introduction: My experiment is investigating the Newton’s 2nd law of motion by using an Air-track. The air-track can make the trolley frictionless by testing the velocity with different weights and shows that F=ma. Research question: How much acceleration does the frictionless trolley has? Aim: Use the air track to measure the acceleration of the no friction trolley by hanging with different mass of weights. Apparatus: * 1 air track * Weights (40g, 50g, 60g, 70g, 80g, 90g, 100g) * 1 string (bigger than 200cm) (plastic) 1 frictionless trolley (160g) * 1 pair of scissors * 2 sensors * 2 clamps * 1 ruler * 2 light gates * 1 Pulley * 1 data logger Variables: Independent: the mass pulls down the frictionless trolley. Dependent: the time taken when the frictionless trolley travel through two light gates. Fix: the distance of the light gates and the height of the light gates. Uncertainties: The strength of the plastic string after pulling a lot of weights. Procedure: 1. Put two light gates 50 cm between each other, the lights gates hanging by the clamps. 2.Hang the string one side to the frictionless trolley and another side on the hook which for hanging the weights. 3. Put the string on the wheel. 4. Put the frictionless trolley on the air-track at the distance of 170 cm. 5. Hang 40 g weights on the hook. 6. The frictionless trolley move forwards by the weights. The light gates will automatically recording the speed of the trolley takes and record down the data on the data logger. 7. Repeat the lab 5 times and do with other weights 50g, 60g, 70g, 80g, 90g, 100g as the same procedure. Diagram: Out line (not to scale): How the air track works:Air track is a device use for study motion in low friction environment. The air pump out of the small holes on the track and that allows the trolley got lifted and frictionless. Data Table: Conclusion The newton’s second law is the rate of change of m omentum of a body is directly proportional to the unbalanced force acting on the body and takes place in same direction. It’s according to my lab that the trolley is moving in one direction. Also the graph shows the a curve which shows the change of momentum is directly proportional to the unbalanced force olley. acting on the t

Friday, August 30, 2019

Elements of leadership development and it’s importance

A leader is not born in a single day, neither is he found in your neighbor’s house. The Leader is in ‘you’. Like every living thing needs food for growth so do the leadership qualities need some nourishment to develop. For its development we need to work on all the important elements that are required to become a great leader. This theory applies not only to an individual but to an organization too. After all it is the individual who constitutes the organization; therefore the principles which we apply to get success in our lives can be used, to get success in an organization too. To start off, we must first and foremost deal with Personal Empowerment. Every human being, every society, every group or organization is not free from faults and mistakes. Weakness is found in everyone. Now, what matters the most is overcoming those, by making right practices and adopting good habits, along with good choices. â€Å"The more you know, the more you realize how much you do not know-the less you know, the more you think you know†-David T. Freeman. Another factor which would empower us in true sense, which is necessary for leadership, is ‘knowledge’. If you don’t know a vital piece of information, then find it out. Ask, get the facts, you need to take smart decisions. Knowledge gives you power. Ignorance puts you at the mercy of others. Another important lesson to be learnt in this segment called personal empowerment is learning to say a ‘yes’ to opportunities. Every individual and organization needs to get out of their cocoon and experience everything that gets into their way in a bold manner. Moving on to our second element -Control. Learning ‘To control’ is necessary for developing Leadership skills. Self-control (a form of control) is vital, one must know that he has control over his own leadership skills and can develop them. Same can be applied to an organization, it has control over its own actions, on performing the right set of actions, and one can achieve a lot. About ‘Control’- Leadership Development Leader Robin Sharma says-â€Å"When things get difficult it’s more important than to pursue excellence, is to focus on things that you can control. Take control of things that you can do and execute them brilliantly.   Then go home and let it go.† So, when you are in charge of a group you must also know how much of control is healthy for a group too. If one tries to get control on all the activities, then he might be regarded as a bad Leader. ‘Control’ must never be in excess amounts so as to frustrate. Freedom- one might wonder, as to, what freedom has to do with leadership. Soon our doubts would be cleared. A book called ‘Leadership Development in Balance’ has to say that-â€Å"I believe those leaders who find ways to create broader amounts of freedom rooted in trust have more sustainable success over time. Of course, to provide freedom, people must be willing and able to accept it and to use that freedom for the right means and ends†. This shows how freedom is necessary to take an action and also to reach ones goals. But with freedom comes-‘Responsibility’. A leader is responsible to perform his duties. A leader has to take accountability of his responsibility. There may be a difference in the level of responsibility, but we have our own set of responsibilities which we have to attend to and address. This in turn must help us to develop ethics .The Center for Ethical Leadership suggests that-â€Å"Core values are what motivate every individual and   shared core values are the foundation for agreements and co-operation among diverse people†, says Pat Hughes, Director of curriculum development for The Center. Ethics are vital for leadership because, these values create an impression on other people primarily. The other elements do create an impression but it is ethics which is most visible. Hence, we have discussed the importance and necessity of each of the elements i.e. personal empowerment, freedom, ethics, control and social responsibility for leadership development. REFERENCE: On personal empowerment: Quote of Freeman: On Ethics: On control:

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Advocacy for Seniors

Deborah Casino-Dears Advocacy is defined as a person who advocates on the behalf of an individual or a group. The advocate provides the client support at helping the client resolve issues that affects his or hers daily life (Barky, 2007). Advocating for seniors with Alchemist's that face issues with their, health and overall wellbeing. This disease threatens millions of lives every day.The disease not only affects the patient but the Emily of the patient as well (Alchemist's Association, n. D. ). The affect can be mentally as well as financially. As advocate you stay on top of policies and legislation issues and help elevate the cause. It is one of the diseases that does not get the attention it so richly deserves (Alchemist's Association, n. D. ). When advocating for seniors there a wide variety of issues confronting those with Alchemist's such as housing, finding the right caregiver, medical concerns, and social issues.One of the plans is to decide tit the family if the patient has family how to take of this task (Alchemist's Association, n. D. ). My plan would be to first find agencies and resources, to discuss the plan with an altercate expert and explain my concerns for the client. A decision must be made on whether the client is able to remain home with family and a caregiver or be moved to an assisted living resident that is suited for Alchemist's patients Whether at home or in a senior facility plans must be made carefully.Issues that might occur are things such as finances, a caring and experienced caregiver, gal decisions, and if at home the daily living safeties are very important. There are other issues like transportation to a from the doctor's office, or maybe finding an adult daycare. The daycare is a facility where the patient could get involved daily activities that can help with stimulation of the brain along with the medications that he or she is taking. I would also help create a plan with the family, such group sessions, reading material, o r online classes on how to care for their love one.These activities that I mention with the help of love ones can delay the disease process. When my mother was diagnosed with Alchemist's, the family received the help needed, first by making sure she took the cognitive test to see what stage she was in , she was then prescribe the medication she needed, and the resources for the family to deal with the changes that would occur. We received monthly phone calls, brochures on what to look for at each stage of the disease, and Just making sure that we were getting the help we needed.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Hedge accounting under IAS 39 and IFRS 9 - A critical comparison Dissertation

Hedge accounting under IAS 39 and IFRS 9 - A critical comparison - Dissertation Example IFRS 9 is still in its development phase and such studies help in changing accounting methods from a rules-focused approach to more of a principle- based view; this is done to encourage more personalities and institutions to apply hedging as it has benefits associated with good pricing and effective financial reporting. All the selected 32 hedge fund managers participated in the survey and the researcher’s contribution helped in bringing them up to speed with the scope of the study and ensured these participants were previously using IAS 39 for relevance purposes. The researcher also queried the achievements and financial performance across all accounting spectrum since these UK based hedge fund managers started applying IFRS 9. ... 41 Results 41 Demographics 41 Research Questions and Hypotheses 41 Quantitative aspects 42 Qulaitative analysis 45 CHAPTER 5: SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 49 Summary of findings 49 Data collected revealed that a majority of the respondents were familiar with the provisions of IFRS 9 having encountered the instrument in their line of work. The proposed changes, therefore, had a direct effect on how the respondents and their organizations would operate upon full adoption. From the analysis of participant opinions, majority had in-depth knowledge of IFRS 9 and IAS 39 judging by the precision of their responses. This was attributed to both their routine responsibilities within the various Hedge Funds and level of education that inclined towards advance financial management for a majority of the sample population. It was therefore fair to form a preliminary conclusion that the respondents were authorities in their own individual rights within the region of hedge ac counting. 49 With the majority of respondents willing and ready to fully move from IAS 39 to IFRS 9, opening conclusions were drawn that the new system was found acceptable by the bulk of industry players making the instrument much better that IAS 39 on the strength of its acceptability. This was further supported by the present rate of the instrument’s application where it was revealed through the collected data, that 97% were actually enjoying larger provisions of the system. Revelations of IFRS 9 eliminating 80-125 effectiveness testing rule and hedging net options stood out as significant positive changes that the new instrument would bring upon adoption. 49 Conclusions 52 Recommendations 53 Bibliography 55 Abstract This study will seek to provide a

Economics of Developing Countries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Economics of Developing Countries - Essay Example This strategy aims to increase the domestic production and reduce the dependency on foreign imports. Outward looking strategy Outward looking strategies are not just related to primary exports, but lay more importance on the trade of employment opportunities and other strategies which increases the level of income in the country. Trade expansion is to be used for economic growth and the generation of employment opportunities. b) India’s trade policies have changed rapidly since independence. Before independence India made imports for even those products which could be manufactured in India. But after independence there was a change in strategy and more emphasis is being laid on exports rather than imports. Today India has a strong trade policy and lays more emphasis on exports and follows the import substitute industrialization policy and restricts its imports. India now uses trade expansion as an instrument for economic growth and the generation of employment opportunities. I t has been effective in improving India’s economy especially developing the agricultural economy. The overall trade policy is good for Tamil Nadu as Tamil Nadu has increased its agricultural income. c) Both India and china have been successful in increasing their exports and reducing their dependence on imports. China has laid emphasis on the export of manufactured products, while India has laid much emphasis on the export of services. India’s exports are of capital and skill intensive products, while china’s exports are labor intensive goods. Both the countries have reduced their imports by the Import substitute industrialization strategy. Question 6: The article ‘Now we are seven billion’ states that Population growth has both positive and negative effects. Mr. Simon is of the opinion that prices would rise in real terms, when there is an increase in population. The article states that as the world economy boomed the population growth fell. Accord ing to the UN’s population division the world population will reach 7 billion as on 31st October 2011. According to Mr. Simon, the world’s rising population was not a problem since an increase in population is also related to an increased demand for investment. The author provides the example of China, where fertility is less and one child is the policy in the nation. The author states that china’s policy is a violation of rights. Encouraging smaller families is good for economic growth as it reduces the poverty in the country, but there are large families too. Although there is a basic view that rising population creates scarcity of resources, yet population is important for the economic growth of the country. The argument presented is that smaller families create economic growth. Smaller families create economic growth because smaller families’ means less poverty and each member of the family gets all the comforts of the life. Therefore this results in better economic growth of the country. The argument presented against is that when the population decreases then it reduces the growth of the economy, which again hampers the economic growth of the country. Thus population has both positive and negative effects. Question: V: DEEP in the South Atlantic, a huge business operation is under system that Brazil’s leaders say will turn their state into an oil power by the end of this decade. If the ambitious plans of the national oil

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

WALES Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

WALES - Essay Example According to the BBC report dated 14 Nov 2012, Wales had an employment rate of 8.2% in November 2012 whereas the rate was 7.8% in the case of the whole UK for the same period. Deprivation index: - while analyzing the Wales’ deprivation index 2012, it seems that the country has satisfactory living conditions. Wales as a Tourist Destination According to BBC report dated Sep19, 2012, Wales is a rapidly emerging tourist destination in the United Kingdom with an annual industry turnover of ?3.5 billion. Statistical reports indicate that 8,078,900 people visited National Trust and Welsh Tourist Board destinations in 2002 (Wales Information, n.d.). Tourism industry plays a key role in boosting the economic growth of the Wales. To illustrate, in 2005 the tourism industry supported the economy of Wales by providing more than 100,000 service sector jobs which accounted for the country’s 8% of the workforce (ibid). The major tourist activities in Wales are mountain hiking; visitin g historic places, museums, and galleries; and shopping. Another report indicates that foreign tourists made over 1.1 million trips to Wales in 2006 (Countryside Council for Wales). Mainly, overseas tourists to Wales are from Republic of Ireland, Germany, and the United States. According to statistical information, tourism-related employment in Wales increased from 59,000 in 2000 to 78,000 in 2007 (Cultural tourism, 2012). Cardiff, the capital of the Wales, is the most popular tourist destination in the country. As Alford (2010) reports, the Cardiff tourism sector provides over 26,300 jobs and it had 14.6 million visitors in 2009. In 2004, the three cities, in term of tourists spent the most money, were Cardiff, Conwy, and Gwynedd. Wales offers improved accommodation and leisure amenities to visitors. Successes and Weaknesses While analyzing Wales’ tourism sector, it is clear that the country’s history and distinctive culture, natural environment, and attractive scener y and heritage significantly contribute to its success. The Museum of Welsh Life is the most popular tourist attraction in the country, attracting more than 600,000 tourists annually (Wales vacation packages). In addition, many castles like Caernarfon Castle and Caerphilly Castle attract visitors having historical interests. The varied landscape is another major tourist attraction in Wales. The country has three national parks including the Snowdonia National Park, the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park, and the Brecon Beacons National Park. Wales is prominent for its extreme sports activities like downhill cycling, surfing, and hang gliding. The Wales Rally GB is organized in the country annually. It has been estimated that nearly 1.8 million US citizens have Welsh ancestral roots ( Hence, genealogy is major reason why many US citizens visit Wales each year. Well developed infrastructure is another reason making Wales one of the world’s popular tourist destin ations. The country has also developed improved road, rail, and air travel facilities, which are crucial to the success of the tourism industry. Wales’ proximity to all other UK markets contributes to the success of the Wales tourism industry. The country can offer a wide range of leisure activities including walking, mountaineering, and fishing (Sports and leisure activities in Wales). Wales Tourist Board (WTB) is a well established and financially sound entity.

Monday, August 26, 2019

American Indian and Western Europe on the History, Culture and Essay

American Indian and Western Europe on the History, Culture and Environmental Crisis - Essay Example environment. Here their arguments and these authors' theses will be synthesized and evaluated. According to White, several solutions to ecologic problems tend to be â€Å"calls to action† which are â€Å"palliative† and â€Å"negative,† such as calls to ‘ban the bomb,’ et cetera—which is the Western European idea of solving ecological woes.1 From what we know of the history of Native Americans in America, much of what was learned in literature referring to Native American culture simply reinforces the thought patterns that whites had of Native peoples during that time period—including the habits they had while living in their environment. The major forces which characterize the stereotype of First Nations people include sorrow, defeat, and broken treaties along the way—which characterize several of the stories of various native peoples that were indigenous to America long before any white settlers arrived. As such, we will analyz e how Native Americans were first perceived by the original settlers at Plymouth Rock, by the government with the Trail of Tears, and later on by politicians who bargained with and swindled the Lakhota Sioux. When the settlers arrived at Plymouth Rock, Native Americans were considered â€Å"savages,† as evidenced in the following sentence found in James Fenimore Cooper’s The Last of the Mohicans: The man had â€Å"†¦a look so dark and savage, that it might in itself excite fear.†2 This stereotype of the Native American painted as some sort of inhuman creature was only reinforced by the idea that they made them feel that there was a definite threat to their women (white women). â€Å"Notwithstanding the fearful and menacing array of savages on every side of her, no apprehension on her own account could prevent the noble-minded maiden from keeping her eyes fastened on the pale and anxious features of the trembling Alice.†3 While this was not an unmitig ated fear, as some white settlers’ wives were caught and captured to be made part of the Indian tribes, this fear was largely propagated by white people—and widely-circulated as rumor that Indians were always on the prowl for some fair, blond-headed maven that they might take in search of satisfying their savage lust. Of course, that is not to say that there was not favoritism displayed even among tribes, as Cooper notes. â€Å"[T]here is but little love between a Delaware and a Mingo†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 4 Nor, can it be said, was there the absence of nepotism either. â€Å"The Hurons love their friends the Delawares. . . . Why should they not? They are colored by the same sun, and their just men will hunt in the same grounds after death.†5 Surely, by the same token, Cooper—being a white narrator—tries to preface a racist statement by saying the equivalent of, â€Å"I’m not racist but†¦,† thus attempting to neutralize any shred of judg mental ideas coming after that statement as not being perceived racist. Cooper writes, â€Å"I am not a prejudiced man, nor one who vaunts himself on his natural privileges, though the worst enemy I have on earth, and he is an Iroquois, daren’t deny that I am genuine white.†6 In essence, he is saying, â€Å"Not that this really has anything to do with him being Iroquois, but this guy is the most annoying chap I’ve ever met on the planet. Oh, and did I mention he’s Iroquois?† Well, if was a fact that didn’t matter, why was the fact mentioned? The mere fact that Cooper mentions that the other person being Iroquois didn’

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Extending rights within humanity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Extending rights within humanity - Essay Example e option in the past, still remain an alternative, but do not confer the same benefits, either legal or emotional, on same-sex couples that enter into one; therefore, same-sex marriage must be made legal on the same level as recognized heterosexual marriage to provide these benefits. There are many arguments that support the position of legalizing same-sex marriage, but the strongest is the benefits that would come to children of same-sex relationships upon either the death of a parent or partner, or the dissolution of the union. Gomes is very clear in explaining that even stepparents have more rights than a non-biological parent in a same-sex relationship; stepparents can petition for visitation and custody, and even adoption (3). However, non-biological parents in a same sex relationship have none of these rights, and without a legally recognized marriage in place to support them, the children will suffer unnecessarily at the whim of any family members and/or legal services brought in to assist them. It is a sad testament to the child that has already suffered and grieved, that they may become the object of a feud between estranged family members or legal services, as well as being denied any survivor benefits that would have come from being the child in a leg ally recognized heterosexual marriage. One argument against same-sex marriage is that marriage has traditionally symbolized a relationship in which procreation, meaning children, will occur. Margaret Somerville, in her article The Case Against â€Å"Same-Sex Marriage†, agrees with this objection, stating that â€Å"society needs marriage to establish cultural meaning, symbolism and moral values around the inherently procreative relationship between a man and a woman, and thereby protect that relationship and the children who result from it† (10). Gomes, even though she cites this objection to same-sex marriage, attempts to counter it by stating that marriage and the rights of each partner have evolved and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Discussion Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Discussion - Article Example This is evident in the passage as it is confirmed by this statement â€Å"thus, intersubjectivity emerges as part of a larger problem (141).† It is a reality that subject reacts with other subjects without mediation of material elements such as body or sense media. This concept is implicit in the notion of ‘intersubjectivity’. Recognition that the person uses the materials of culture and is impacted by other people does nothing to impose on the reality that such a notion is essentially individualist (Williams, 1992). Hegel does not believe that every person has to involve in a life and death fight for recognition. This is evident as gave a suggested a different concept in substitute of a ‘formation of consciousness’, he proposed an individual level and a communal social-cultural world-chronological level.’ This can be analyzed as an attempt to prevent people from seeking recognition to much. The concept of consciousness is brought in the passage, however, not as self-consciousness but people living in self-sufficient communities. Undeniably, consciousness remains a prerequisite for recognitive self-consciousness. Hegel regards material culture as products of contemplation, and never spent bothered to understand the interrelationship between materials. While he discarded the labor procedure as a pattern of the dialectic he did not discard apprehension with the creation and use of material civilization, but changed it into a logical stature. Thus, when the promoters of ‘intersubjectivity’ expunge the usage of artifacts from unrestrained action, they ignore Spirit itself. Williams asserts that Hegel changed subjectivity to intersubjectivity. However, ‘intersubjectivity’ is incomprehensible and incoherent with core fundamentals of Hegel’s perception of subjectivity (Williams, 1992). It is accurate to conclude that recognition is an extremely un-Hegelian concept since it assumes the nonexistence of effective mediating media and artifacts. It

Friday, August 23, 2019

Philosophy Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Philosophy Reflection - Essay Example Reality is here on Earth during our lifetime. Reality as I believe it to be and as shown in â€Å"Allegory of the Cave† and The Matrix is a personal experience. The people standing on the wall in the cave in â€Å"Allegory of the Cave† live the shadow reality. The people on the walk above them live in the reality of the sun. This is a reality of perception. In The Matrix people live in a matrix of make believe that is perceived to be real or unplugged in the reality of Zion. Once again the reality is a personal experience. Neo experienced both realities after receiving knowledge of Zion. The two stories take a different opinion on transferring to a different reality. Plato believed the prisoner that went into the light would want to return to darkness, but would not be able to adapt back in the cave. The prisoner would want things the way it was before being freed. In The Matrix Neo did not want to go back into the matrix after being unplugged. Not only did Neo not want to go back, he embraced the new knowledge of his reality to become more than what he was in the matrix. The prisoner remained the same, but Neo evolved. In my opinion, I believe it depends on the person and circumstances if a person remains the same or evolves. If different realities exist, different ethical implications would apply. For example, Neo was trying to free humans from the matrix. In Zion, Neo was a hero, but in the matrix he was an outlaw. The prisoner in the cave was being punished or jailed, but in the light the prisoner was free. Laws in Zion, the matrix, cave, and outside the cave were different. For example, in Zion people were allowed to go into the matrix to fight, but not to have a pleasurable life. In the matrix people were not allowed to know they could be unplugged. In the cave people played games about the shadows due to their immobility. The people outside the cave moved about freely. It would not be fair to judge Neo in Zion about things done in the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Book vs Movie Essay Example for Free

Book vs Movie Essay There are different ways to get a story from different sources in modern times. Books have been good sources for stories, but movies are getting more popular and have the same story with the books. Why people still reading books; and others are prefer watching the movies? Reading books and watching movies have a lot in common, but there are some differences that makes the readers remain faithful to reading books. Reading books and watching movies are similar because they are telling the same story. They give the reader or the audience the same feelings after reading or watching about the story. The reader can feel sad of the story in a book while the audience can also feel the same after watching about the story in the movie. The general ideas, which are themes and main characters of the story, are the same. For example, Romeo and Juliet is romantic no matter it is read from a book or watched from a movie. A book and a movie both have a beginning, rising actions, and a resolution. The story are formed in the same structure regardless to it is a book or a movie. Even though there are similarities; reading books and watching movies give details through different ways. By reading the books, the reader has to open his mind for imaginations. Books only show words, and the images of the story are imagined in the brain. On the other hand, movies give a particular picture of the story to the audiences, and the audiences get details through visual and hearing. The audiences can only get what is shown in the movies but can’t think outside the box for more creative thinking. The readers can have different feedbacks to the story, but the audiences can only agree with the movies; therefore, reading books and watching movies make the readers or audiences response differently. Watching movies can save a lot of time, but reading books could take a long time depending on the speed of reading. For those who can’t read fast, they would prefer watching movies. A movie will take about two hours, but reading a book could take more than two weeks for some readers. People think reading books and watching movies are the same, so they will choose to watch the movie for their time’s sake. Watching the movie can give them a better picture about the story because it is visual and is within a shorter period of time; therefore, the audience can remember the story easier. Besides, movies keep on renewing every week, but a new book needs to be written and published which will take a long time. That’s why people who like new and fresh things will prefer watching movies. Although watching  movies seems to be more convenient, but people are still reading books. The reason is that books give more details to the readers and usually reveal more characters that are not shown in the movies. Movie producers need to cut away some details because they need to squeeze everything into one to two hours. Books can attract the reader to continue reading and give some suspense so that the reader will be hooked or tempted to finish the book to find out the truth. Reading books can improve the reader’s writing and reading skills, but watching movies brings nothing else but entertainment. Before movies were invented, most of the people read books to entertain and improve themselves. Since movies came out, people are attracted by the beautiful and colorful graphics in the movies but have forgotten the books which are full of details and meanings. People are too obsessed to the shortcuts and mirth’s from the movies, but maybe they should just grab a book, sit down, and read a good book. In my opinion I rather have the time to sit and enjoy reading a great book full of entertainment. In most cases people would watch the movie which tells the story in a short amount of time which is more convenient for them. Either they’re lazy or careless about reading the whole book ful l of fun and detail. That how I enjoy the full version of the story in which I take my time to enjoy.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Battle of the Philippine Essay Example for Free

Battle of the Philippine Essay Thus, Nimitz had anticipated the two critical facets of Yamamoto’s strategic plan of having the battleship supported by aircraft carriers instead of the other way around – and Nimitz knew that the big battleship â€Å"Yamato† was far slower than any other Japanese battleship and Nimitz was also aware that the Japanese the smaller battleships were supposed to lure away the Americans away from the main contingent [7]. Hence, all of the Japanese plans, no matter how ingenious it was – did not work. Skirmishes between smaller contingents started early of June 3rd [7]. But June 4th was D-day time. Japanese planes attacked power plants and installations at Midway, the Battle of Midway has begun. The implications and losses for the Japanese forces were huge – within several minutes, the Japanese Navy had lost half of its carrier force – a force that had been considered to be manned by the Japanese Navy’s elite. Overall, the Japanese lost four vital aircraft carriers vital to their Pacific campaign and the majority of its experienced crew and air fighters. This was why military tacticians on both sides already knew that after the Battle of Midway, the tide of the war has turned in favor of the Allied forces [7]. The next battle fought on sea was the Battle of the Philippine Sea on June 18th to June 20th, 1944 [3]. It was here that Admiral Ozawa’s retirement and abstention from the battle that doomed any Japanese hope of stemming the tide against the American forces. The Japanese lost the Shokaku, Taiho and Hiyo (in each case about two-thirds of the ships’ company) and the oilers destroyed, as well as some 400 planes lost from the carriers [7]. On land, they were defeated in the Battle of Manila Bay and were forced to withdraw from the battle of Guadalcanal when the allies started their island – hopping campaign that had begun in the Solomon Islands. This pushed back the Japanese one island after another. The allies tactically isolated the Japanese major forces in the pacific located at Rabaul. Finally the Japanese were defeated once again as the allied forces pushed them back towards the Philippine islands sea, and the battle of the Leyte Gulf in October 19, 1944. That day, the Americans, headed by General Douglas MacArthur fulfilled his promise of returning to the Philippines [5]. From Leyte Gulf, the Americans coordinated with the existing guerilla forces made up of joint American and Filipino recruits. Finally, on February 4, 1945, the Americans entered Manila and the Yalta Conference was held in USSR [5]. From there the recapture of the Marianas and the Philippine islands were used as a take – off point to advance to Japan’s homeland, and on to the invasion of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. However, in spite of the aggressive military campaign and successive defeats the Japanese suffered from the hands of the allied forces, the emperor refuses to budge and accept defeat to end the war. Instead, the code of BUSHIDO was once again called upon and young Japanese men called to duty went on suicidal missions purposely using their planes as weapons against aircraft carriers and other enemy targets. During that time the US had developed an experimental bomb – the A-bomb and was used as a last recourse to make the Japanese government surrender and stop the continuing carnage. On July 16, the Potsdam conference started. Meanwhile, the first atomic bomb is exploded in a test at Alamogordo, New Mexico. July 26, the Potsdam Declaration is delivered to Japan. On August 2, the Potsdam conference ended [7]. On August 5, 1945 the US dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. Still, the Japanese government did not heed the warning. August 8: Russia declares war on Japan. On August 9, another bomb decimated the city of Nagasaki. Finally, Japan surrendered on August 14, 1945 and accepted the Allied terms [7]. VI. Conclusion The passion and ferocity displayed by the Japanese soldiers’ generals and rank and file throughout the entire course of World War 2 proved to the whole world how ready the Japanese were in embracing and enforcing this war. Their cultural mentality and their refusal to budge even at the expense of their young people’s lives showed how tenacious they intended this war would be fought. Their disdain of soldiers who have surrendered during the war – particularly during the â€Å"Bataan Death March† and their treatment of captured American and British officers bolster their â€Å"Bushido† mentality. Japanese soldiers were trained to fight or die. These soldiers, no matter what the cost would offer their lives and commit â€Å"Harakiri† rather than be captured. Hence, they only have the lowest of regard for those who surrender or for those who allowed themselves to be captured. There was no mistaking in assuming that the Japanese prepared and were ready for generations – from the late 1900s into the 20th century that they were trained to go to war and conquer. Bibliography: [1] Bauer, E. Lt-Colonel The History of World War II, Orbis (2000) General Editor: Brigadier Peter Young; Consultants: Brigadier General James L. Collins Jr. , Correli Barnet. (1,024 pages). (Accessed February 01, 2007). [2] Brinkley, Alan. (2005). The Unfinished Nation: A Brief Interactive History of the American People. Chapters 32 to 33. pp. 502-537. New York. (Accessed February 02 to 03, 2007).

The Islamic Concept Of Charity Religion Essay

The Islamic Concept Of Charity Religion Essay Charity in Islam has been a central focus of the society. It has different forms (zakat and sadqah) which differ from each other. The charity in Islam gives an impression of the purification and worship of God. It is also perceived as good deed and benevolence in the Islamic theology. Islamic charity gives a notion of the welfare of the humanity. The crux of the charity is to form a moral economy which regulates the behaviour of Muslims. The moral economy is based on the fairness, sense of responsibility and purity in worship and welfare of the people. 1. Introduction The contemporary debate of the charity has been long in the literature (Melvin 2009, Ferrari and Khan 2010, Shirazi 1996, Scott 1987 and Waldron 1986). Specifically, the religious zeal and zest revolves around the notion of charity (Iwobi 2009). Islamic concept of charity is not exception for that debate (Scott 1987). It emphasizes on the moral values and the contribution to the neglected segment o f the society. However, Islamic concept of charity has never been debated in the light of the notion of moral economy. This paper is intended to give a comparative view about the different notions of the Islamic charity (zakat and sadqah). The concept of charity, in general, is not new because every religion of the world preached that charity. However, the focus of this paper is to highlight the forms of charity in Islam, their differences and their impact on the multiculturalism and the formation of the moral economy. The definition of charity in Islamic tradition differs somewhat from its interpretation in different contexts. However, its aim and goals remain the same. The Quran states: And be steadfast in your prayer and pay charity; whatever good you send forth for your future, you shall find it with Allah, for Allah is well aware of what you do . Similarly, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: No wealth (of a servant of Allah) is decreased because of charity. Charity is the fifth pillar of Islam and its reward will be given in the after world. The Quran declare the five basic concept of the zakat. These concepts included: infaq (spending benevolently), Ihsan (kindness), zakah (purification), sadqah (charitable deed) and Khayrat (good deeds). However, Islam does not force anyone to give charity. It is obligatory in the form of zakat and voluntary in the shape of sadqah (charity). 2. Basic concepts of charity in Islam Islamic charity has two basic concepts: zakat and sadaqah. 2.1 Zakat (alms giving) The zakat extracted from the word zaka to be pure that denotes purification. Quran highlights to the purification of wealth and states: Of their wealth take alms to purify and sanctify them. Zakat is an obligation on a Muslim. It is moral duty of a Muslim to pay Zakat at the rate of 2.5% per year. A Muslim cannot deny the ZakatI. Quran lists recipients of Zakat which includes: Zakat is for the poor and the needy and those who are employed to administer and collect it, and for those whose hearts are to be won over, and for the freeing of human beings from bondage, and for those who are overburdened with debts and for every struggle in Gods cause, and for the wayfarers: this is a duty ordained by God, and God is the All-Knowing, the Wise. (Al-Quran 9:60). 2.2 Sadaqah (Charity) The word Sadaqah is derived from the Arabic root verb sadaqah which means to be truthful and hence Sadaqah implies engaging in any righteous act in order to earn the mardat (pleasure) of Allah. The sadaqah has certain principals which a Muslim must follow. One, Sadaqah is given on the name of God. Second, the money or the donation should be from the legal sources. Islamic discourages the illegitimate (stolen or unethically gained) money or resources. Third, surplus money (beyond the need of a person) is the money of God and Muslims are custodian of it. They should spend and return the money to the needy, poor and spend on the ways of God. Quran outlines the charity: Those who (in charity) spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. (Al-Baqarah 2:274). It further highlights: And spend something (in charity) out of the substance which We have bestowed on you, before Death should come to any of you and he should say, O my Lord! Why didst Thou not give me respite for a little while? I should then have given (largely) in charity, and I should have been one of the doers of good. But to no soul will Allah grant respite when the time appointed (for it) has come; and Allah is well acquainted with (all) that ye do. (Al-Munafiqun 63: 10-11). Further Quran states: And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive. We feed you for the sake of Allah alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks. (Al Insà ¢n 76:8-9). In another statement, the Quran states: For those who give in Charity, men and women, and loan to Allah a Beautiful Loan, it shall be increased manifold (to their credit), and they shall have (besides) a liberal reward. (Al Hadà ®d 57:18). Sadaqah is important for a number of purses. It reduces the sins and increases the virtue of a Muslim. It also compensate for shortcoming in any past payment of Zakah. For instance, if a person forgets to pay zakat in the past or was guilty to pay the zakat, the sadaqah reduces the burden of the past. Sadqah, give a sense of protection not only the giver but also to the receiver of falling victim of calamities. God pleasure is received through the sadqah. It gives pleasure to the giver of the charity to the others. A person feels his obligation to the betterment of the humanity. 3. Difference between Zakat and Sadaqah Zakat and Sadaqah are two different kinds of charities in Islamic ideology. Zakat is the obligatory annual almsgiving which is determined on the basis of the value of ones wealth. It is 2.5% as per Islamic traditions. Accroding to some of the Islamic jurists, zakat must be collected from the Muslims. It is mandatory and has strict zeal to pay the zakat. Zakat is the responsibility of the person who owns wealth. It cannot be transferred to the second person. It is liable on the individual. However, the sadaqah is charity that is given beside the Zakat contribution over the surplus wealth. It is volunteer act and without any percentage. Sadqah is not specified as only monetary terms (feeding the poor and the needy), but also given support to the orphans, widows in the form of advising or counseling. It also includes the volunteer activities for the befit of the community at larger: teaching to the poor, giving sense of good faith and advising them to excel on the right path, the path of God. Some of the Islamic jusrits beleieved that to form charity organization, construct educational institutions (mosque, school, college, universities) and construction of well (to supply water to the common man) are the different forms of sadaqah. It can be given on the name of any relative (parents or children). 4. Comparative view of charity: Development of moral economy Islamic notion of charity (in its different forms) generates a moral economy. This is the economy which is based on the good faith and welfare of the humanity. In line with Bollig (1998) and Thompsons (1971, 1993) notion of moral economy. Islamic charity gives the following notion of charity. 4.1 Islamic charity: Moral injection Benthall (1999) highlights the Quranic injection to charity. Accroding to Benthall the Islamic system of almsgiving (zakat) is more organized than other societies. For him, the ZakatI is closely associated with the prayers and the worship of God, therefore, the Muslim are morally obliged to pay the Zakat to the poor, to the needy as per Islamic conception. He argued that Zakat can be distributed in poor, needy, orphans, widows, divorcees, prisoners and their families, unemployed and homeless people, students, those who dont afford to marry, disaster victims, and those in need of free medicine or dignified funerals (Benthall 1999:31). 4.2 Zakat: Powerful instrument to poverty eradication Zakat which literally means growth, extension and purification is a premium on all forms of accumulated productive wealth and on a variety of agriculture produce. It is calculated at various rate according to the nature of the asset or product, and is due to the needy of the Muslim community. It is one of the basic tenets of Islam and besides being an obligatory act of worship, it is a system through which a Muslim society can eradicate poverty and inequalities (Mohammad 1991:1119). Islamic Zakat system in Pakistan is the source to eradicate poverty in the country (Ibid). Zakat system is well organized system for the development of country but it can be more organized for poverty eradication and for the maintenance of society (Mohammad 1991). 5.3 Charity: Road towards the social justice According to Bremer (2004:1) the development of any society local resources are necessary. Historically, Islamic societies developed a range of charitable institutions to fulfill these mandates include zakat boards, auwkaf, and diverse local structures reflecting the richness of Islamic culture from Dakar to Davao (Ibid). For her, A strong civil society is now widely recognized as an important pillar supporting democratic society (Bremer 2004:2). With the help and struggle of civil society it is possible that a democratic society can be established. Only the help of foreign donor and government is not enough for development. If government or foreign donors will help the society the civil society will lose their interest for the development. For her, in recent years USAID has funded the creation of an NGO service center that provides technical assistance and training to civil society organizations, and has granted financial support directly to NGOs ranging from business associations to community development groups (Bremer 2004:3). Government, foreign donor and for free services do not provide an adequate base for a vibrant civil society. This aid is for short term. This aid is not compatible with the long term independence (Bremer 2004). 4.4 Charity: Funding for free education According to Blanchard (2007) religious school work as a charity organization in Muslim countries. They are source of providing education to the vulnerable groups. Madrasas offer a free education, room, and board to their students, and thus they appeal to impoverished families and individuals. On the whole these religious schools are supported by private donations from Muslim believers through a process of alms-giving known in Arabic as zakat. The practice of zakatone of the five pillars of the Islamic faithprescribed that a fixed proportion of ones income be given to specified charitable causes, and traditionally a portion of zakat has endowed religious education (2007:4). Blanchard (2007) provides information that in Pakistan Madrasas are being observed by the government regarding their finance sources after 9/11 attack in the United States. All foreign students in madrasas were required to expel from madrasa if they did not obtain permission to remain in Pakistan from their home governments in 2005. Madrasas are registered in Pakistan and their financial assistance is observed by the government since August 2006. (Blanchard 2007:5). Zakat and usher contributed to the income of the people of 2.7% in a household of Pakistan (Shirazi 1996). The survey was conducted in 1990/91 of the household Integrated Economic Survey and findings revealed that the Zakat and usher were the significant to contribute the lives of the people. According to the survey, 39000 zakat committees were working with 250 thousand volunteers (Shirazi 1996:166). The zakat contribution on 1981/1982 from 845.85 million Pakistani rupees to 4655.9 million in 1993/94 (Shirazi 1996:170). The money were spend to Substance allowance (708.622 million), rehabilitation (245.669 million) Pakistani rupees and 1738234 people benefited from the zakat contribution (Shirazi 1996:185). However, the latest figures on the issue are not available. 5. Why Muslim countries depend upon the foreign aid? There is wide spread opportunity to get resources in order to feed the marginalized segment of the society, as per the notion of Islamic charity, then why the Muslim countries are dependent upon foreign aid? In fact, there are two major reasons of the dependency of the Muslim societies on the foreign aid. 5.1 Collapse of the charity institution: Change to moral values Muslim countries depend upon the foreign aid because they were unable to maintain their institutions. Such institutions were collapsed during the colonization or soon after. In the eyes of the colonial masters, the Muslim charity institutions were the symbol of Muslim legacy and a risen of the rise of the Muslim powers, therefore, it was necessary to abolish them. They developed the institution of welfare instead the zakat institution (Bremer 2004). However, this welfare institution developed by the colonial powers was perceived as not ones own. It was considered as a symbol to get money, but without any legacy (Bremer 2004). It was just perceived as the symbol of the colony. People wanted to get benefited from the social welfare but not were ready to pay back. Therefore, it was not much institutionalized as the Zakat was spread during the Muslim era in the Middle East and in the Muslim countries. 5.2 Collapse of morality: Change to develop a new morality based on materialism Islam appreciates the giving hands (charity giver) and discourages the charity recipients. According to Islam, giving hand is better than receiving hand. However, current scenario does not reflect the basic ideology of the charity of Islam. Despite of the fact that zakat remain as an institution among the Muslim societies at individual level. However, it was not developed up to the level after the colonial era. It was perceived that state is in the hands of someone else and there was not any institutionalized method of the zakat collection and distribution. This collapsed the real notion of the moral economy among the Muslim societies. In Islamic morality, there are two sets of rights and obligation of a Muslim: the rights to worship God and the right to serve the humanity. In Islamic theology, the right of God may be put aside by the God, if He wants. However, the right to serve humanity cannot be neglected until unless the fellow human beings do not forgive it. It is exclusive the people who have to forgive their rights to the fellow Muslims. So the Islamic moral values exclusive emphasize on this value. However, the collapse of the Islamic morality is dominated. It does contradict on the basic philosophy of the Islam that spends everything to the humanity which is surplus for a person. However, the materialism and greed for wealth is dominant in the current culture of the Muslim societies. It is depicted in the life style and in the emerging value system. Consequently, it is affecting the basic notion of the Islamic charity. 7. Conclusion Islamic concept of charity is much associated with the Muslim societies or Muslim association. It forms a moral economy and moral value system (give charity and worship to God) which strengthen the notion of close social networking of the Muslims. However, it does not neglect the humanity at large. It gives a due share to provide the help to the people of the world. The charity is given to the needy, poor, scholars, charity organizations and welfare of the world society at large. However, criticism to retain the Muslim charity among Muslim is not exclusive from the debate of the charity. Dominant point of view is in favour of the humanity rather than the welfare of the any specific community. Islamic charity begins from the Individual level. It creates the space for the state. However, it does not exclusive involve the state to regulate the charity. The charity in Islam is equally important to the worship of God. Islam emphasize the worship of God (right to obey God) and the service for the humanity (the rights of the people). It is the right of the people.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Faith in E. M. Forster’s What I Believe Essay -- Forster

Faith in E. M. Forster’s What I Believe E. M. Forster’s â€Å"What I Believe† is interesting in that it reflects a moderated idealism. Throughout the essay, Forster will make a proclamation, such as rationality is good, and subsequently retreat half a step, in this case insisting on the continued necessity of faith. It is an interesting technique and demonstrates much of the complexity of his positions, and arguably those of Bloomsbury insofar as they are a whole. Particularly interesting are his fascination with faith, which forms the bedrock of the argument, and with personal relationships. Forster draws a distinction between â€Å"belief† and â€Å"Belief† in that while he does ascribe to the former, he distrusts the latter. â€Å"They [Christians] have Faith, with a large F. My faith has a very small one, and I only intrude it because these are strenuous and serious days, and one likes to say what one thinks while speech is comparatively free.†1 Forster’s faith, therefore, is not the Faith, or Belief, ascribed to in religion, rather he seems to have faith in things like free spe...

Monday, August 19, 2019

Edgar Allen Poes The Cask Of Amontillado Essay -- essays research pap

Irony in â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† In the short story, â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado† by Edgar Allan Poe, Poe uses two types of irony, dramatic and verbal. Dramatic irony is when the reader perceives something that a character in the story does not. Poe uses this type of irony in the character Fortunato. Verbal irony is when the character says one thing and means something else. This type of irony can be recognized in the statements that the characters, Fortunato and Montresor, say to one another. The name of the character, Fortunato holds dramatic irony within itself. The name Fortunato resembles the word fortunate. In this story, the character Fortunato is anything but fortunate. At the beginning, Fortunato believes that he is fortunate to have a friend, Montresor, who believes to have found a pipe of Amontillado. However, in the end Fortunato learns that he has been tricked and is buried alive. Another ironic feature about the character Fortunato, is the way he is described to be dressed, like a court jester. The time period in which The Cask of Amontillado takes place, court jesters are considered fools. Throughout the story, Fortunato is fooled to believe Montesor’s claim of the Amontillado. When Montresor chains Fortunato to the wall the statement that he says, makes Fortunato look like a fool. â€Å"’ Pass your hand over the wall; you cannot help feeling the nitre. Indeed, it is VERY damp. Once more, let me IMPLORE you to return. No? Then I must positivel y leave you. But ...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

Introduction We are experiencing unprecedented rates of biodiversity loss. 60% of the ecosystem services (such as freshwater, fisheries, pollination and climate regulation) which biodiversity underpins are either degraded or in decline. Predictions are that this trend will worsen. It is clear that it has severe economic implications, not only for society but also for business as most industries depend on ecosystem services to function. The pharmaceutical sector is both dependent on and impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services or BES. Approximately 25% to 50% of the pharmaceutical market is derived from active ingredients from nature. The sector’s dependence on the BES stems from the use of active ingredients from nature in drug discovery and manufacture, the use of water and a reliance on inert raw materials such as fish oils, soya and palm oil in drug manufacturer. Impacts include water pollution from drug manufacturing and use, overexploitation of active ingredients from nature that can’t readily be synthesized and use of inert ingredients linked with environmental degradation. For the pharmaceutical sector, this may pose reputational, operational, regulatory and market risks as well as new opportunities linked to new drug discovery. Pharmaceutical industry investors may also face reputational and financial risks if the companies in which they invest do not adequately manage their own BES risks. All companies reviewed have started to consider the business implications of declining BES. However, none are managing the BES in a comprehensive manner. The focus of corporate activity has been on understanding site-level impacts on biodiversity such as risks associated with potential impacts on protected areas or water consump... ...e to determine company risk exposure in relation to BES. Lack of information on how companies are managing their risks and opportunities leads to decreased investor confidence. Companies should be encouraged to disclose more information on volume, nature and provenance of raw materials sourced, the outcomes of products and issue risk assessments and the activities underway to address them, if that assessment shows them to be material. References †¢ †¢ file:///C:/Users/De/Desktop/Media_release_-_pharmaceutical_companies_face_biodiversity_risk.pdf †¢ †¢ †¢ Biodiversity and Human Health By Jensa Bell

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Job Shadowing Project

Job shadowing a great lawyer and family friend, Nancy Vanilla. I have nearly always wanted to be a lawyer, and in all honesty I was a little concerned that after watching a real court hearing, and seeing all the work that lawyers actually have to put into each and every case, I would no longer wish to become a lawyer. However my fears were removed entirely as soon as I walked into her downtown Fort Worth office; the day I had arranged to Job shadow Mrs..Vanilla, she had a court hearing in Denton, so immediately upon my arrival I as exposed to the last minute stress of getting the clients case in order. I was able to help Mrs.. Vanilla with getting her paper work in order, before going to the court house. This was the first time I had ever sat and watched a court hearing, and I was completely fascinated through the entirety of the hearing. I was able to watch two exceptional lawyers in action, and I could not have more impressed by either performance. At the end of my time with Mrs..V anilla I was able to sit with her and ask questions about her profession. During this time Is when I became completely and totally positive that this was the career I wanted to pursue. She was so passionate about what she did, and she explained to me the parts of the Job that most people don't really take Into consideration. I realized that I wanted to learn about and how to interpret the law, and use It to protect people as it was designed to do. I could not be more thankful for the opportunity given to me through this assignment, and through Mrs.. Vanilla's willingness to work with me.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Online Sales and Inventory Essay

1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Auto supply or auto parts dealers are stores which sells variety of car parts. Some auto supply companies also offers services like car repairs or maintenance and even a car wash. Auto supply has a lot of product line to sell with; it’s either for the performance side (brake fluid, coolant, radiator, engine belts, oil filters, clutch disc, hoses) or the physical side (paintjob, tires, mugs, lights). Some stores are more into car accessories (car alarm system, central lock, sound systems, vinyl, etc.) or tires and mugs selling. Big scale companies tend to have all of these. JTU Auto Supply is a medium scaled company that sells car parts for performance and maintenance of the car. It has been running around 5 years since it was established January 2008. JTU Auto Supply’s name was derived from the initials of â€Å"Jessie T. Uy† who is the owner of the company. From the experience of its owner, Jessie T. Uy of being a taxi driver before, He got interested and came up lots of ideas about different car parts that make him successfully established JTU Auto Supply. JTU Auto Supply’s main colors are red and yellow because the colors are striking, attractive, and visible. The owner also likes the color red because he has Chinese blood. JTU Auto Supply is different compare to other medium scaled auto supply companies because they are keen on having a certain image. They are clean, organized, and has a good structure. An impression to the buyers in proving their tag line â€Å"Tapat sa Presyo†. JTU Auto supply has five physical branches around Cavite located at Pag-asa subdivision which is its main branch, Buhay na tubig, along Molino road near SM Molino, Along Aguinaldo Highway and Salitran. Each branch is dependent on their main branch at Pag-asa. They provide varieties of products and selling five main product lines. These are replacement parts, performance, accessories, fluids and chemicals, and tools. The uses of these for the vehicle are for maintenances or performances. Under replacement parts includes air conditioning, battery and accessories, belts and hoses, body, trim and mirrors, brakes, charging and starting, engine parts, cooling, heating, exhaust fuel, emission, ignition, transmission, wiper and lot more. Under performance includes body styling components, oil, sealers, and additives, tuners, safety equipment and more. If you go for accessories it includes chrome, dress up, exterior and interior and also for trucks. If you need tools they have for body repair, diagnostic tools, electrical, lift equipment, gloves, work wear, safety equipment, tapes, books and manuals too. Under fluids they have windshield wash, A/C chemicals, antifreeze, de-icers, cleaners, brakes, battery chemicals, fuel system, gasket markers, remover, sealers, grease, lubes, adhesives, paint, body repair, maintenance chemicals, leak detectors and oils. Mr. Jessie T. Uy mentioned that they have approximately 15,000 products all-in-all and over a thousand each product line that they have. The main goal of the JTU business is to give its customers a trust and confidence to buy its products and services. To prove to its customers that JTU Auto Supply is dependable, clean, consistent and honest. For the future, they wanted to be like a convenience store and to franchise its business. This impressions and trusts JTU Auto Supply gives customers an attraction to come back. The tagline â€Å"Bringing services to your doorstep† m eans offering to the customers, a great services in terms of delivery of products. They have free delivery fee and can deliver products within 13-15 kilometer radius from its branches for 10-20 minutes. They still offer free delivery beyond the said distance but JTU Auto Supply cannot guarantee the time of delivery. It comes to proponents interest that they never seen a medium scale auto supply have grown this fast yet still having some operational problems and transaction flaws. The problems of the company that they often encountered are mostly in the sales and inventory. JTU Auto Supply manually encodes large amount of items in their inventory. Manually generates sales reports from the receipts or sales invoices they have. They also manually checks and track the inventories in every branches through phone calls, texting or even visiting. This may cause inconvenience in their part especially now that the company starts to grow more. They store their data into Microsoft Excel and open source software such as Quickbook that may cause some security problems in terms to the employees working inside the company. There is a possibility to alter the reports and confidential data. A problem observed is that when it comes to compatibility and specification of the product is hard to find, having lots of possible models in just a single part. Mainly in there free delivery, customers will not be able to see the product itself and causes a lot of misunderstanding or mistakes on the products they ordered. 1.2STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM JTU Auto Supply has five physical stores, all of the branches including the main branch are manually tracking, and checking the remaining items and sold items on each branches’ inventory is by calling, texting, and visiting each branches. Mr. Jessie T. Uy always visit and call each branches (except if he has emergency appointments) just to check updates of sales and inventory such as its needs of every branches. This is very inconvenient for his part since he has also other businesses and works to do. JTU Auto Supply also manually adds, edit, and delete the large amount of items on the Microsoft Excel which is inconvenient. As of now, they already have approximately 15,000 items but as the company grow, JTU Auto Supply is having difficulty in maintaining their inventory. The data on their company such as inventory files, sales invoice files, reports, and a like are also not secured because any person or employee can add, edit, view, and delete it on the Microsoft Excel without the permission and not knowing of the owner. They also manually compute and generate the sales report that may lead to data inconsistencies and errors. They generate it using their copy of sales invoice. JTU Auto Supply has some problems in handling orders via telephone. In their operation they take orders what they can see physically and do not deduct it on the main inventory they have, this causes the items to run out of stocks. Example of this is when a customer calls to order a 5 pieces of 1 litre of brake fluids, the employee will accept the order and deduct on their store’s inventory but someone came to the store and buys exactly 5 pieces of 1 litre of brake fluids. The problem is that physically, an employee sees that there are still remaining item on the storeâ⠂¬â„¢s inventory without knowing that someone has already purchased it. 1.3RESEARCH OBJECTIVE 1.3.1 General Objectives The proposed JTU Auto Supply Online sales and inventory system aims to develop and provide JTU Auto Supply an Online Sales and Inventory system. 1.3.2 Specific Objectives Conduct an interview to identify the problems and needs of the company. Study existing system to define the company problems and needs. Gather information that will be needed in developing proposed system. Analyze gathered information to come up with solutions and in order to design a proposed system. Create a system that will be functional and much help for the company. Evaluate and test the system and help in maintaining the system. 1.4SIGNIFICANCE/JUSTIFICATION 1.4.1 To management. JTU Auto Supply will be able to use the online sales and inventory system because it will fix the problems encountered by the employees. These problems particularly are the manual checking and tracking of inventory from one branch to another and manual computation and encoding of sales in Microsoft Excel. The proposed JTU Auto Supply system also will advertise them further through the website to attract more customers. 1.4.2 To customers. The customers would benefit from the proposed system due to its ease in making transaction, creating orders and buying through online. It is convenient for the customers to buy online and deliver it to their doors hassle-free. Customers can check the availability and price of the item they wish to buy anytime without visiting JTU Auto Supply stores. 1.4.3 To proponents. The Proponents idea and knowledge in establishing a website will become broader. Techniques and programming skills will be developed and will understand more the programming language that will be used. The study will also help them to understand the process of transactions and real problems in real world business. 1.4.4 To future researchers. The study will be useful to the future researchers who will conduct a similar study to JTU Auto Supply Online Sales and Inventory System. The study can serve as the reference in creating the documentation of the future studies including its format and content. 1.5CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK InputProcessOutput 1.6SCOPE OF THE STUDY The scope of the JTU Auto Supply Online Sales and Inventory system are selling and tracking its products and services through online. It features different categories of the products and services, its prices, their descriptions and modes of payments. The mode of payment is cash-on-delivery basis only. The JTU Auto Supply Online Sales and Inventory system will also allow the customers to avail its products only if the user has an account to the website. The proposed will have a built-in shopping cart for the list of orders of the customers. Customers can confirm and cancel their orders through shopping cart. Once the order is confirmed, the item will be delivered. The coverage of its delivery is limited only 13-15 km radius of their branches. 15-20 minutes of delivery is guaranteed only if the location is covered in the 13-15km radius. Directions and contact information of JTU Auto Supply are also included for those customers who wish to visit and call directly the branches. Allowing and providing a customers’ corner will also be included for them to post their questions, inquiries, suggestions and other important concerns regarding the services and products of JTU Auto Supply. The JTU Auto Supply Online Sales and Inventory system will also include the tracking inventory and sold products on every JTU Auto Supply branches. The Pag-asa branch which is the main branch of JTU Auto Supply will be in-charge with the online ordering and delivery of the ordered items. The system will provide an account for administrators of the JTU Auto Supply to control and maintain the system process such as adding, editing, and deleting items on the inventory database. For the communication of each branch, the proposed system will also provide message box or e-mail for the administrator to administrator account from one branch to another.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Business Strategy of British Airways

According to the Annual Report, 2009, the main strategic intent of the BA this year is to become ‘the world’s leading global premium airline’. A few main strategies of British Airways are identified; firstly, BA want to ensure that customers receive unique premium service whenever they fly with BA and no matter where they are, for example, they would like to improve the Terminal 5’s facilities and other lounges in different airports. Secondly, new produced will be launched, such as new aircraft, upgrade long haul’s flight business class seats and redesign First class cabin. Lastly, BA wants to work closely with BAA in order to improve baggage and punctuality at Heathrow Airport and to keep up their good reputation among customer, and continue being the leading airline in London (BA Annual Report, 2009). British Airway External Environment Analysis Porter’s Five Forces In order to have a well – planned development of organisation future strategy, it is crucial to analysis the competitions within the industry, which may be threaten to the business. Porter (1980) developed a framework and proposed five forces that may affect the degree of competition with other competitors. These five forces are the threat of new entrants to the industry; the threat of substitute products; the power of buyers or customers; the power of supplier and rivalry among businesses in the industry (Johnson, Scholes, Whittington, 2008). Rivalry among competitors Competitive Rivalry BA is facing a very high competitive rivalry, as recent years, higher competition among the short haul flights, budget airline such as Easyjet and Ryanair have been very popular, the old- established airlines such as Virgin Atlantic and Cathy Pacific have also been in a high market competition, according to Shaw (2004), they almost used the same models of aircrafts. Also the government has a strict control on the frequencies and the timing of the flight slot, and also strict pricing policy. Therefore, reputation of the airlines becomes more important for the customers to be loyal.

Youth risk behavior surveillance system

Make you cognize how active teens are? Harmonizing to the informations and statistics from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, a sub unit of the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, as of 2007, 35.0 per centum of high school pupils throughout the United States are presently sexually active, and 47.8 per centum of high school pupils have already had sexual intercourse. These Numberss may look big, but in the past twosome of old ages, they have one time once more begun increasing after many old ages of easy dropping. Surprisingly, the clip frame when sexual activity rates had begun increasing is around the clip when abstinence-only plans began being pushed. The Obama disposal has late cut budgets on the abstinence-only plans due to these unwanted effects. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ‘s National Center for Health Statistics published informations in March of 2009 saying adolescent birth rates in the United States have risen f or the 2nd twelvemonth, as of 2007. Due to this, many critics have begun to knock the pick of the Bush disposal, which strongly supported the abstinence-only plans. As a consequence, it leads us to the inquiry of whether abstention plans are truly making their occupation. All this information points to abstinence-only plans being uneffective and merely supplemented abstention plans seem to hold a desirable consequence in the public schools in the United States. Abstinence plans day of the month back to the 1980 ‘s, the epoch of the Reagan disposal. They were the solutions to many jobs within high schools ( Sexuality Research and Social Policy ) . An article in a 1987 newspaper states that Reagan encouraged the abstention plans because it was the best manner to â€Å"avoid undertaking AIDS† ( Boyd ) . This was besides a portion of Reagan ‘s plan in combating AIDS. Reagan said, â€Å"All the vaccinums and medicine in the universe wo n't alter one basic truth, that bar is better that remedy, and that ‘s peculiarly true for AIDS, for right now, there is no cure† ( Hess ) . Furthermore, Reagan believed that it was non the authorities ‘s duty to play a function in educating, but the function of both the school and household. In 1984, the first support for abstention instruction was given by the Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Program. Harmonizing to Sexuality Research and Social Policy within National Sexuality Resource Center, as of September 2008, at least 1.5 billion dollars have been funded on abstinence-only plans. Abstinence-only plans chiefly focus on the abstaining from holding sex. It does non advert most subjects within reproduction, particularly contraceptive method and safe sex. There have been many statements about whether onanism is acceptable as a subject and action under the abstinence-only plans. However, sing the old slang for onanism is â€Å"having sex with yourself, † it should non be considered a portion of the abstinence-only plans. In 2005, abstinence-only plans were scheduled for usage in schools in communities with the bulk of Hispanics and Blacks. The ground suggested was because these groups are significantly more sexually active when compared to other groups ( Helman ) . More late, in 2008, 17 or more provinces had already adopted the abstinence-only path ( O'Brien ) . The other option for sexual instruction is abstinence-supplemented plans, besides known as comprehensive sexual instruction. For this type of plan, non merely is abstinence encouraged as a better pick, but the plan besides touches on the topics of contraceptive method techniques and sexually familial diseases. In 1990, the opposing statement against comprehensive sex instruction plans stated by the abstention plans leaders is that less than half of the schools give any instructions on how to utilize contraceptive method or where to obtain them ( Wilgoren ) . However, this job has been solved ; now they are making the exact antonym of what they were being accused of. Furthermore, the comprehensive sexual instruction plan has become the sexual instruction plan with the most support. In a magazine published in 2007, 94 per centum of parents believed that the comprehensive attack was the better of the picks ( Stover ) . Possibly the most limpid manner to see the effectivity of abstinence-only plans is to compare the plans ‘ consequences to those of abstinence-supplemented plans. Texas and California are both southern provinces, but they use different sexual instruction methods ; the province of Texas adopted the abstinence-only plans, while the province of California decided to utilize the abstinence-supplemented plans ( The Dallas Morning News ) . The consequences are dramatically different. In Texas, the province Torahs have made it compulsory to learn abstinence-only as the preferred option. Furthermore, they must pass most of their clip on abstention, and stress that abstinence-only is the lone manner to hold a hundred per centum bar of sexually transmitted diseases. The reference of sexually transmitted diseases is really limited ; merely those chosen by the board of legal guardians of a school territory can be mentioned as effects ( Wonderful Days ) . As a consequence, Texas has become the province with the most adolescent gestations in the state ( The Dallas Morning News ) . On the other manus, the province of California has demands in schools to learn abstinence-supplemented plans, which teach the facets of both abstention and contraceptive method. In add-on, to a broader assortment of subjects to discourse, the pupils are besides able to easy obtain birth control points, such as rubbers ( The Dallas Morning News ) . Harmonizing to Dr. Mark Horton who is the manager of the California Department of Public Health, the adolescent birth rate in California had reached its lowest point as of May 11, 2009 ( CA Dept of Public Health ) , presenting a great contrast to the consequences of Texas. From the comparing between the two provinces, it is evident that comprehensive sexual instruction had a better consequence. It has been brought to visible radiation that there may be other issues, such as racial per centum difference that may do this effectivity difference. However, the bulk of research workers are tilting toward the different plans doing the largest consequence. Many believe that learning teens to be abstentious is idealistic, it is impossible in world. Alternatively of working toward an impossible, it would be more realistic to make bar of gestations and sexually transmitted diseases compared to forestalling teens from holding sex wholly. Surveies have shown that by senior twelvemonth about two tierces of the category has already had sexual intercourse ( The Dallas Morning News ) . It would be literally impossible to rectify the incorrect of so many, so it would be more effectual to discourse both abstention and birth control. In the long tally, those who choose to be abstentious will hold the support, but those who choose non to wait will hold the right information to forestall themselves from acquiring pregnant or obtaining sexually transmitted diseases. There are statements on how effectivity of abstention plans is really calculated. Some argue that it is the figure of persons holding sexual intercourse ; others argue that it is the gestation rate. Due to the hardness of mensurating the figure of persons submerged in the universe of sexual intercourse, I will establish this research paper on the figure of gestation rate. This is because the figure of persons holding sexual intercourse and the gestation rates should be linearly increasing. Therefore, the higher the gestation rate means the more persons sing sexual intercourse. Real life illustrations are non the lone ways to turn out the ineffectualness of abstinence-only plans. Although existent life illustrations demonstrate the consequences of the plans, they do non acquire to the roots of the ineffectualness. Problems and loopholes that the plan is based on may be the account on non merely its effectivity, but besides why many professionals choose non to utilize it. Many well-known and well-respected scientists have focused in on the statement between the two opposing plans. Although there are pros and cons tagged to both plans, the bulk of research workers tend to tilt toward comprehensive sexual instruction being the better of the two. Harmonizing to the reappraisal done by the Committee on Government Reform of the US House of Representatives, 11 out of the 13 course of studies of the abstention plan are based on wrong information ( Stantelli ) . â€Å"The Accuracy of Condom Information in Three Selected Abstinence-Only Education Curricula† research done by Alison Jeanne Lin and John S. Santelli besides confirmed this consequence. The information given in the plans were non needfully false ; nevertheless, they were distorted and led to misinformation. Other informations are old and have been proven incorrect. This information included deceptive information on contraceptive method effectivity and the effects of abortion. Furthermore, the research workers took misconceptions and stereotypes as facts within their scientific research, doing their research biased and questionable. A survey done by Douglas Kirby showed that abstention plans do non detain the overall age of sexual intercourse ( Sexuality Research and Social Policy ) . One of the few pieces of informations given by abstinence-programs on contraceptive method indicates that rubber fail rates on undertaking HIV is between 10 per centum to 43 per centum, where lab consequences suggest the rate to be 1 per centum or under ( Morse ) . This is a important difference that could do major jobs when taught in category. If the pupil does non take abstention, so seeing the high opportunity of condom failure, they may make up one's mind to hold unprotected sex. This will ensue in more adolescent gestations and an addition in persons with sexually transmitted diseases. As of 1999, abstention plans claim that adolescent gestation rates had decreased by 17 per centum due to their parts. Many oppositions beg to differ because of the deficiency of grounds. Some have chosen to believe that the existent ground for this bead was due to the addition in usage of contraceptive method ( Morse ) . Furthermore, in â€Å"Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs and Their Impact on Adolescent Human Rights† written by Rebecca Schleifer and Alice M. Miller, they suggest that abstinence-only plans violate the human rights of teens, particularly those of doing healthy protective determinations ( Sexuality Research and Social Policy ) . Another issue is that abstention plans do non turn to one of the major jobs of teens who choose to hold sexual intercourse. Harmonizing to recent generated research, one of the traits that teens who abstain from sex have is â€Å"resistance to peer influence† ( Healy ) . Peer force per unit area and influence is likely one of the largest grounds why teens choose to hold sex. Many teens believe it is â€Å"in† and â€Å"popular, † and if they do non make it they will be out of the norm. However, abstention plans non turn toing this issue may be another cause of its ineffectualness. In add-on to the many grounds already stated, the apparatus of the plan besides contributes to the effectivity. The most commonly school-used abstention plan, titled Self Respect, does non hold a follow-up plan ( Elmer-DeWitt ) . Once the category is over, the pupils return to the existent universe, being enticed by the many weaving waies the society has created. This increased opportunity of being led astray shows how indispensable follow-up plans are. Without them, teens will evidently travel down the incorrect way. Students seeing how unorganised the abstention plan is one of the chief grounds lending to the failure of the plan. Students will be able to see how undependable the statistics are and how many research workers have disapproved of the plans. This will do them to oppugn the dependability of the plans. When they see another pick, particularly a more appealing one, they will choose out of abstention plans and lief embrace the other pick. For many high school pupils and teens, this other pick is holding a sexual spouse, one who they can hold sex with and trust on. To them, this pick is so much more attractive, and it is besides more pleasing to the teens ‘ ramping endocrines. On the other manus, comprehensive sexual instruction satisfies the sexual thirst of teens. It addresses the physical demands of teens as a fact and Tells teens that there is nil incorrect with the manner they are experiencing. Furthermore, it treats the teens like a friend and steer them along. In comparing to the stiff limitations of the abstention plans, this is a much better pick to learn teens the sex cognition that they need. Unless abstention plans can go more organized, and so, derive the regard and support of research workers, teens will non likely travel for this type of plan. Merely with reorganising and reconstituting the whole plan, it might be possible to convert teens to get down to take abstention over sex. Even holding said this, it will still take a long clip before teens choose abstention merely because of the past feelings this plan has given. As stated earlier, President Obama has late decided to cut the budgets on abstinence-only undertakings. This was one of the first things that he has chosen to make in his first twelvemonth of presidential term. The authorities did non randomly choose to cut budgets merely because of the economic depression. There are many possible grounds that have been brought to the public position, and the strongest ground being the plan ‘s ineffectualness, and the authorities has presented three possible statements back uping this affair. The most basic ground given by The American Public Health Association and U.S. Institute of Medicine to the Congress in 2008, states that â€Å"scientific surveies have non found that abstinence-only learning plants to cut gestations or sexually transmitted diseases† ( Allen ) . It is obvious that if schools do non learn teens contraceptive method techniques, they will non cognize how to forestall gestations. As mentioned above, many pupils will non take abstention because of its instability. Therefore, the end now is to learn them besides about safe sex to farther prevent a uninterrupted addition in adolescent gestation rates and the figure of people with sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, the authorities is taking comprehensive sexual instruction to be the better pick. Recently, as the authorities cuts back on abstention plans, a new societal group is taking up the occupation: spiritual groups. Abstinence plans have a part of their footing in Scripture, and to some extent, the plan really reworded Scripture as its learning stuff ( Elmer-DeWitt ) . It is no admiration that faith, more specifically Christianity can increase the effectivity and efficiency of the abstention plans, particularly when 78.5 per centum of the American population are Christians. In add-on, most faiths support the thought of sex after matrimony, which encourages the same thoughts as the abstention plans. Due to this, trusters in these faiths would more easy accept the intent of the abstention plan. Now, the authorities has given up abstinence-only plans for plans with a brighter hereafter. They now want to patronize abstinence-supplemented plans that are specially adjusted to learn information that is suited for teens ( Allen ) . They have now given the abstinence-only plans over to the spiritual groups. These groups have the resources and the correct background to force for the abstinence-only motion. Hopefully, under the right environment, abstinence-only plans may besides boom and make their occupation. From Angus McQuilken ‘s point of position, it is non difficult, †the job here is non the abstention, it ‘s the lone † ( Helman ) . A pessimistic research worker from Sexuality Research and Social Policy said, â€Å"We want people to cognize that abstinence-only instruction does n't work† ( Sexuality Research and Social Policy ) . Overall, we can non state that abstinence-only plans are wholly uneffective. They have their pros that can ensue in a immense measure frontward in sexual instruction with the aid and addendum of other plans or spiritual groups. In a sense, abstinence-only plans are like badly-oiled machines, or like electronics without electricity. They are good established, but the job is, without the excess oil or electricity, they can non run swimmingly or expeditiously. Likewise, without the supplemented informations, abstinence-only plans can non make their full potency. Once the plan is tweaked and reorganized, it may non merely make its possible, but besides excel more than either of the constituents. Many teens have spoken out on this affair. The girl of vice-presidential campaigner Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin has spoken out to teens across the state to believe before they do it. Furthermore, teens have mentioned that some of the information required to help them to do good sexual determinations are non taught in wellness category. Fifteen-year-old Mildred says, â€Å" We get sex-ed categories in school and that should be where teens get the right information, but that is n't go oning † ( O'Brien ) . The reply has been in forepart of our eyes all along, so following clip when another adolescent becomes pregnant or contracts a sexually familial disease, do n't fault them, fault the sexual instruction plans.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Charles Darwin

Charles Darwin is the man who formed our way of thinking about modern evolution. He proposed and explained the theory of natural selection and the theory of survival of the fittest. In order to fully understand the contemporary evolutionary theory, we must fully understand Charles Darwin's early theory. In this article, I will explain the complete background of Charles Darwin to the reader, explain his voyage to HMS Beagle, and discuss his theory of natural selection. Charles Robert Darwin, founder of Evolution, was born in the English countryside on February 12, 1809. Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809. Charles Darwin was struggling at school as a child. In 1825 Charles became a lucky person and went to the medical department. Darwin is a British scientist who built the foundation of evolution and changed our view of the natural world. Charles Darwin is a discovery of evolutionary biology theory. Charles Darwin is married to his cousin Emma Darwin for 43 years. - To date, Charles Darwin has revolutionized the biology that modern society knows well. He is responsible for the evolution that people are still experiencing today. Born in England on February 12, 1809, he became the fifth child of Dr. Robert and the Susanna Darwin family. He has three sisters and one brother. As his father succeeded as a doctor and his mother belonged to the Wedgwood family, the Darwin family is considered to be wealthy. Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England. Charles Darwin's grandfather is a naturalist, a philosopher, and a doctor Erasmus Darwin, and he has published four volumes of his articles, including his views on species development. Charles Darwin's father is also a doctor and I hope his son will inherit the family's tradition. At the age of sixteen, Darwin was sent to the University of Edinburgh to study medicine. Darwin is more interested in his zoology and geology courses. Eventually, his father took him out of Edinburgh and sent him to Cambridge to stud y theology. Charles Darwin Charles Darwin is the man who formed our way of thinking about modern evolution. He proposed and explained the theory of natural selection and the theory of survival of the fittest. In order to fully understand the contemporary evolutionary theory, we must fully understand Charles Darwin's early theory. In this article, I will explain the complete background of Charles Darwin to the reader, explain his voyage to HMS Beagle, and discuss his theory of natural selection. Charles Robert Darwin, founder of Evolution, was born in the English countryside on February 12, 1809. Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809. Charles Darwin was struggling at school as a child. In 1825 Charles became a lucky person and went to the medical department. Darwin is a British scientist who built the foundation of evolution and changed our view of the natural world. Charles Darwin is a discovery of evolutionary biology theory. Charles Darwin is married to his cousin Emma Darwin for 43 years. - To date, Charles Darwin has revolutionized the biology that modern society knows well. He is responsible for the evolution that people are still experiencing today. Born in England on February 12, 1809, he became the fifth child of Dr. Robert and the Susanna Darwin family. He has three sisters and one brother. As his father succeeded as a doctor and his mother belonged to the Wedgwood family, the Darwin family is considered to be wealthy. Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England. Charles Darwin's grandfather is a naturalist, a philosopher, and a doctor Erasmus Darwin, and he has published four volumes of his articles, including his views on species development. Charles Darwin's father is also a doctor and I hope his son will inherit the family's tradition. At the age of sixteen, Darwin was sent to the University of Edinburgh to study medicine. Darwin is more interested in his zoology and geology courses. Eventually, his father took him out of Edinburgh and sent him to Cambridge to stud y theology.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Gun control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Gun control - Essay Example Many citizens consider it their right to be allowed guns so that they can fight for their protection when the law enforcement agencies fail to do so. On the other hand, there are opponents of the issue who believe that strict gun control measures are essential owing to the fact that they reduce the possibility of the weapons falling in the wrong hands. This debate of gun control has been an essential issue in the United States where it is still considered to be a controversial subject. The National Vital Statistics states the fact that many lives are lost as a result of injuries from firearms. 11,001 people succumbed to injuries resulting from gun shots by criminals only in the year 2001. It was also presented that in 2001, 16,455 lives were lost due to suicides which were committed by using firearms only. This indicates an important aspect that many deaths result in the United States due to guns and deaths due to firearms are labeled as the second cause of death in the country. But an interesting aspect is that the rate of people dying due to the gun shots has lowered following the year 1993 and it has been attributed to changes and leniencies in the gun control laws (Gold 2004). Many important figures in the United States have lost their lives resulting from gun shots. These include the devastating killings of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy that occurred in the year 1968 when these two exemplary figures were shot dead (Valdez 2003). Gun control is an essential subject in the history of the United States. The first most prominent ruling relating to this issue was passed in the year 1939 by the Supreme Court of the country. The court passed a ruling in favor of stricter gun control measures and the ban on personal usage of guns. It justified this on the grounds for the maintenance of security of the individuals. There has been much opposition to this ruling ever since 1939. Opponents of this law utilize the Second Amendment of the Constitution as a point of their justification. According to the Amendment, "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." The opponents of gun control laws argue that this amendment of the constitution upholds the rights of the individuals for the possession of guns for their security. They argue that the denial of the guns for their safety is actually the breach of the constitution of the country as this amendment clearly states in favor of the possession of weapons (Associated Press 2007). Many members of the congress of the United States also consider it important that the ownership of guns is central to the security of their lives. According to the people who favor the possession of guns, firearms tend to provide higher security for the people when the law enforcement agency personnel are not present. Therefore, an individual can guard himself in all situations. These groups argue that after pr oper checking of the criminal records of the people, gun possession should be allowed as this would make the society a safer place to live (Nagourney et al 2011). Many researchers have upheld the benefits that the relaxations of the gun control laws have provided for the United States. According to a research that was done by Mauser, the crime rate in the United States has gone down to lower levels owing to relaxation in the firearm laws. The study upheld this fact with regard to